- Sepatutnye aku keje setelah shutdown selama lebih krg 10 hari tp aku amik cuti coz takut keletihan selepas blk dr Kl antar adik aku masuk Unikl BMI. Ptg tu aku dpt tahu kilang tmpt aku bekerje mengeluarkan memo kerje 4 hari, cuti 3 hari serta VSS ( Voluntary Separation Scheme... aku pun x brape pasti betul ke penterjemahan aku).
6 January 2009 (Selasa)
- First skali bile aku mai keje, aku check email aku yg dah berminggu x tgk tp sbenarnye aku nak tgk memo yg keluar. X sempat nak bace memo yg berjela, bos pun datang bersame rakan sekerja yg tinggal brape kerat ( yg ade cume staff normal shift ). Topik yg dibicarakan sudah tentula mengenai business situation . Semua pekerja shift dipaksa bercuti selama 3 bulan sehingga March and the amount of salary will be deduct 25% for each month till March. No extra allowance will given for this period. For the normal shift, we need to come to work as usual but just for 4 days a week and we were force to take a leave on every friday excluding 2 more days choose by ourself. Its mean that for a month, we were force to take a leave for 6 days and deduction about 20% of our salary. Ape pun hidup mesti diteruskan, sesungguhnye bersyukur je lah dgn ape yg ade...ye x.
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