Thursday, January 15, 2009

~ uPDate On VsS ~

Esok due date utk hantar application form for VSS. Hari ni, R & D Department telah dibubarkan dan lebih kurang 6 org terpakse ambil VSS (Setakat yg aku tau la).

Update pg td dr bos aku, hanye lebih kurang 300 lebih je yg minta VSS stakat hari ni la dan kuota itu masih belum mencapai target yg dikehendaki iaitu lebih kurang 500 org. If not enough, the management have the right to given CR to those who have been choosen depends on there decision. Hope so, i'm not the one on the list.
Dalam tempoh mase 3 bln kehadapan, mase depan masih kelam tanpe arah tujuan...


sharkpitt said...

cobaan optimistic

odeng said...

yeahh....hopefully ok laa smuanya...

Rest Area Idea SCHOTT 2021 ~Design 2~